16 results for tag: rock
Even though prog
rock in Spain is trademark of our friends of Madness Live and the main European festival is BeProg! My Friend, we now and then like to open your mind to bands (like we did in 2016 with Leprous) that belong to that complex, and still partially unknown to us, world.
From Australia, Caligula's Horse will be ...
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Not to show off, but we are always proud to say that we have seen Za!'s members in the first row at ur festival many times, having the time of their lives. In 2016 they got on stage to close that edition and we made plans of having them playing every year at AMFest.
Obviously, we didn't keep to that promise in 2017 but this ...
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Blood Quartet was born in 2015 in Barcelona, taking the no wave towards free jazz, muddy
rock, twisted blues and landscapes that could well fit a soundtrack. Improvisation and changes of structure are the trademarks of this quartet and its outcome is a tremendous psychotropic "chiaroscuro".
They will open AMFest 2018 and ...
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We have seen them touring Europe in countries that love risk and allow crazy volumes. Well deserved, as Thermic Boogie are one of the most interesting proposals we have seen recently in Barcelona.
rock, noise and a tremendous wall of sound (wanna bet how many amps and cabs they will bring with them this time?) are ...
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Created by the genius mind of Sergio Pardo (previously in The Last 3 Lines), La Son is a 4-piece instrumental band where music, lights, and visuals go hand in hand. This show is a tribute to monsters of classic horror movies and their music brings us to the sound of good old soundtracks, together with visuals that will stun ...
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No ens agrada presumir, però sempre ens agrada comentar que hem vist els membres de Za! a les primeres fileres del nostre festival més d'una vegada, i això ens fa sentir orgullosos. El 2016 van pujar per fi a l'escenari i va ser un pitote monumental. Vam decidir que serien els nostres Shellac i tocarien cada any.
Al ...
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Quan parlem de
rock progressiu a Barcelona (i a la resta de l'estat), són els amics de Madness Live i el festival BeProg! My Friend qui ens serveixen de referència. Ja sabeu que nosaltres tenim la ment oberta i el progressiu ens agrada (vam fer Leprous l'any 2016), tot i que ens considerem neòfits en la matèria. Tot un món ...
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Liderats per Mark Cunningham (Nova York, EUA -Mars, Pascal Comelade, Lydia Lunch, Arto Lindsay, RAEO, Bèstia Ferida, Convolution...-) i els membres de Murnau B., Lluís Rueda, Càndid Coll i Kike Bela (Barcelona -Autodestrucció, Zeidun, El Petit de Cal Eril, Le Fou…-), Blood Quartet és un projecte format a mitjans de 2015 ...
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El seu cas parla per si sol del pobre estat de salut de les sales petites de
rock al nostre país. Habituals del circuit europeu on el soroll i el volum estan permesos, Thermic Boogie són una de les propostes extremes més interessants sorgides a Barcelona en molt de temps.
rock, noise i una incendiària proposta en ...
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Després de deixar The Last 3 Lines, Sergio Pardo (guitarra) va crear des de zero aquest nou projecte on la música, llums i imatge es donen la mà. Tot un homenatge als monstres de cinema de terror clàssic. Una hàbil mescla de sensacions que ens porta a les bandes sonores escrites fa temps però, alhora, a projectes actuals ...
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