13 results for tag: noise
Not to show off, but we are always proud to say that we have seen Za!'s members in the first row at ur festival many times, having the time of their lives. In 2016 they got on stage to close that edition and we made plans of having them playing every year at AMFest.
Obviously, we didn't keep to that promise in 2017 but this ...
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We have seen them touring Europe in countries that love risk and allow crazy volumes. Well deserved, as Thermic Boogie are one of the most interesting proposals we have seen recently in Barcelona.
Stoner, rock,
noise and a tremendous wall of sound (wanna bet how many amps and cabs they will bring with them this time?) are ...
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The day we saw him at Modular Day 2017 in Barcelona he ripped us to shreds. Experimental, electronic, modular synths and science-fiction enthusiast, he played a half-hour set that brought back feelings that we thought had left our bodies.
That was one of the reasons that made us invite our friends of Befaco to curate ...
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Trying to define, musically vivisection somebody is one of those absurd and impossible tasks with no real sense in it: drone, ambient, techno, experimental,
Tags of tags, far from the true reason and meaning of it.
AMSIA... visceral, immersive, distant and, at the same time, biting your neck as a collar of ...
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noise, ex-(lo:muêso).
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No ens agrada presumir, però sempre ens agrada comentar que hem vist els membres de Za! a les primeres fileres del nostre festival més d'una vegada, i això ens fa sentir orgullosos. El 2016 van pujar per fi a l'escenari i va ser un pitote monumental. Vam decidir que serien els nostres Shellac i tocarien cada any.
Al ...
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El seu cas parla per si sol del pobre estat de salut de les sales petites de rock al nostre país. Habituals del circuit europeu on el soroll i el volum estan permesos, Thermic Boogie són una de les propostes extremes més interessants sorgides a Barcelona en molt de temps.
Stoner, rock,
noise i una incendiària proposta en ...
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Com definir i disseccionar musicalment a algú? Podria ser un exercici absurd, difícil i erroni: drone, ambient, techno, vale tudo experimental,
noise sorollós, avantguarda desfasada, folklore de qui no té lloc.
AMSIA... visceral, immersiu, esquerp i al mateix temps "directe al coll”, com un collar de perles-piranya, ...
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Noise. Trio (ex-duo). Tensió. Risc. La gent els anomena "los Jesucristos de los Animales Atropellados". Els diaris sensacionalistes diuen d'ells que són «Los Mesías de la I84 ». S'aturan a l'autopista sempre que veuen un animal mort, l'imposen les mans i amen. El gat ferit, el gos esclafat, o fins i tot el cérvol ...
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Pocas veces presumimos de nada, pero siempre nos gusta decir que hemos visto a los miembros de Za! en las primeras filas de nuestro festival en varias ocasiones, y que eso nos hace sentir orgullosos. En 2016, subieron por fin al escenario a poner punto y final a aquella edición, y fue tal el pitote que cerramos un acuerdo que ...
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