Puntalaberinto (ESP)

Puntalaberinto (Patricia Usero, 1981, Huesca) has been diving in the underground of modular synths and DIY instruments creation for more than 10 years now.  Mystery, suspense, drama and darkness are key to her live shows.

She has written pieces for and/or played live in places like Centro Dramático Nacional Teatro Valle Inclán de Madrid, played shows in Tokyo, Kioto, Modular Day BCN, Convent de San Agusti, Modular Cafe, Donations Project and other features in different international festivals.

She’s currently working at modular synth construction at Endorphin.es (part of Eurorack Bcn), as member of the direction of the sonor festival {ODD} OneDroneDay and as a teacher of electronic instrument DIY – DIWO.