Daniel Blumberg (UK)
It has always been our duty to try to book for AMFest the artist that we loved most during the year. And «Minus«, by Daniel Blumberg, literally blew us away. It sounds like a classic already. It hurts and excites at the same time. It’s intense and sounds like truth. As if, in 2019, all the music we listen to is a big lie and «Minus» was here to show us what we are, where we come from and what we feel when we listen to music. Daniel Blumberg is a unique artist we are waiting open-armed for and he will perform on the new stage we’ll rise this year, the Centre D’Art de la Fabra i Coats. If you still don’t know him, forget about your favorite tv show, your album of the year, your work, your routine and save an hour to listen to it. And see you at his show.