DO’s AND DONT’s AMFest 2022
Versión en Castellano |
Versió en català
1- A brand new start at La Farga!
We’re nomads 😀 When we thought we had found the perfect place at Fabra i Coats, the pandemic, the neighbours and the lack of interest of the Town all came. The 2 small editions at Castell de Montjuïc kept the fire alive and… here we go again from scratch!
Again, everything is new: new venue, new neighbourhood, the stages, the bar, the security, the cleaning staff, the bathrooms, the foodtrucks. everything.
We have thought about every detail over and over again to be ready for the festival on 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of October. Nevertheless, we are pretty sure some things might not go the way we expect – be sure, though, we will be there to fix it as soon as we can.
AMFest is a humble festival where we do things our way. This hasn’t changed over the years. The budget comes from tickets, bar and merch. We have a sponsor (Thanks Cervezas Alhambra!) and one public grant, but together they don’t reach 10% of the expenses. We still consider ourselves as a DIY festival: our music, our way of doing things, our prices.
Don’t hesitate to let us know what you don’t like or would like us to improve – we’ll do our best either this year or planning the next editions. Thanks for coming (Lina Morgan’s style) and for reading this list of things very important to us!
2- Please, be 100% respectful towards the venue. La Farga is a beautiful place that has welcomed us and our project with lots of love right when another town closed its doors to us. We are very proud of our audience, but this year we will be more than ever and most probably many people don’t know us.
- Use the bathrooms responsibly, and don’t pee anywhere else. If we catch you, you’ll be ejected from the festival.
- Be respectful with the neighbourhood: there are buildings and neighbours around the venue and we don’t want to be trouble for them.
- Use the bins and respect our recycling chain. Do not litter and pick up your rubbish after having dinner in the foodtrucks area.
- Take care of everything as if it was your own home, as it will actually be your home for 4 days. We’ll do our best to keep everything clean for you to enjoy as much as you can, with the cleaning staff working during the whole festival.
3- We want a festival free of sexual harassment and sexist, racist or homophobic attitudes. We will show NO TOLERANCE towards any of these behaviours and we’ll act quickly and firmly in case we detect any.
If you mosh (we love a good pit!) be respectful towards everybody.
4- The access to the festival will once again be free for people under 23 years old. We believe young people should be able to come to events like this and, hopefully one day, be the ones that will turn into fans of the music we like. This is something we debate internally every year but, over and over again, we eventually agree on keep doing this, being faithful to our values and believing this is something you can hardly see somewhere else. If you’re coming, ask some friends to join you, maybe we’ll be able to drag them into the “the dark side” xD
IMPORTANT! As we always say: free access for people under 23 is subject to availability. If the event is sold-out, having a ticket is the only way to enter the festival!
5- This is our first year at La Farga, there will be 3 stages with powerful sound gear, to enjoy the music the way we like it. Most of the gigs will be LOUD. Both the venue and ourselves agreed on a 102dbs limit, well enough for everything to sound great. It’s a noisy festival, always been, always will. Nevertheless, we will have ear cap available for free at the entrance
As every year, we will have some of the moments we call “AMFest silence”. Shows were the audience keeps totally silent, showing full respect towards the artist and her/his artistic proposal. You know, the likes of Lingua Ignota, Maud the Moth, Tashi Dorji, Midwife, … Will help us to keep that magic silence?
6- AMFest is a DIY festival and, with no external help, can only survive thanks to the bar. All the cents you’ll spend at the festival’s bar will help us compensate the endless expenses of creating an event like this. We kindly ask you to buy your drinks at our bars, we will offer you good prices and great quality. The beer will be Alhambra, there will be craft beers by Nómada and fresh soft drinks and water of course!
Important: We’ll have recyclable glasses (1€ deposit) with a capacity of 0,40cl, bigger than many other festivals.
There will be 4 foodtrucks available at the entrance – a nice space decorated by our friend Cesc and Alhambra– where you will be able to grab a bite and rest your ears from so many hours of music. These foodtrucks have been picked with care by the festival: there will be vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. If there is something you want to let us know to improve that, please do so!
Wardrobe will be available at 2€/piece and if you come by scooter/motorcycle you will have to leave your helmet there, as it is forbidden to access the festival with it.
7- The merchandising area will be bigger than ever and there will be stuff from most of the bands performing at the festival. Our friends Fiftee Merch will be in charge of the stand: an amazing, home-made, ecological and careful company that’s been working with us for years now. Remember that merchandising fuels most of the bands life on the road and it’s important to support this. CD’s, vinyls, t-shirts and whatnot will be available all day long at the merch area and our team, leaded by Ángel and Álvaro, will be happy to help you.
Credit cards payments will be accepted at the merch stand as well as at the bar.
8- You will be allowed to bring non-professional cameras to take pictures or videos of anything you want. Please do so by all means, we love to then see your posts on social media!
During the first 3 songs (or 10 minutes) of each show, professional photographers will be allowed to do their job. As always, we kindly ask you to respect the work of our friends the photographers.
9- We recommend you to come enjoy as many bands on the lineup as you can. We know that you might be coming just for one or two bands on the bill, but AMFest is much more than that. Over the last 10 years we helped people to discover great bands and in 2022 all the artist performing at early hours are absolutely amazing. As we know that watching every single gig might be a huge effort, there is a chill out zone to eat, drink, rest and relax. If anybody was to watch every single gig, she/he should deserve a free 3-day pass for next year!
10- Last but not least, if you recognize any of the people involved in AMFest, say hi, ask, hug or jeer. We are there to help you solving any problem you might have. We are Núria, Alex, LaRubia, Isma, Cristina, Sònia, Elva, Helena, Ana, Víctor, Mau, Cesc, Sergio, Dani and an endless team of volunteers that will be work hard to ensure everything will be fine. We are so looking forward to it!